For too long, couples have sought glory only for themselves. Only those who finish on top are remembered while those who come up just short: 2nd, 3rd, 6th are forgotten immediately. It’s time for the rules to change!

DCDI is excited to announce the Inferno Brawl, a competition for colleges and studios. We all know that team match is fun with a lot of pride on the line, but what if it lasted for more than just an hour? What if team match lasted the entire competition? The Inferno Brawl is exactly that.

Couples will earn points for their college/studio by making the finals in any event. The old team match will give extra points to the top 3 finishers of both the rookie and championship teams as well. Teams can also earn extra points in fun dances and contests leading up to DCDI itself.

Here’s how it works:

Placing in a final in any individual event or fun dance:

  • 1st: 6 points
  • 2nd: 5 points
  • 3rd: 4 points
  • 4th: 3 points
  • 5th: 2 points
  • 6th-8th: 1 point

Placing in either Rookie or Championship Team Match:

  • 1st: 30 points

Winning a DCDI social media contest

  • 1st: 10 points

Frequently Asked Questions


What does my team/studio get for winning the Inferno Brawl?

A trophy of questionable size and honor that can’t be bought.

Is this like the Hogwarts House Cup?

No, they don’t really know how to VWaltz at Hogwarts. Otherwise, yes, it sure is.

How are you tracking total points for each college/studio?

We’ll be posting and announcing current placements throughout the competition.

What are some of the DCDI contests?

Stay tuned to our Facebook page for updates.